ISCAST’s biennial Conference on Science and Christianity (COSAC 2024) was held in Sydney at New College. Instead of removing this page immediately, we’ve left it live so you can see the fascinating things we did together over three days.
- What does the Bible say about being human?
- What are the implications of being made in God’s image? Of being created “male and female”?
- Are bodies essential to being human?
- Are we free to heal them? Remodel them? Enhance them? Escape them altogether? Should we seek to combat aging? Mortality?
- When does the good use of God-given creativity cross the line and become “playing God”?
- What are the implications for social (in)equality and the abuse of power? And, beyond the church, how can Christians help society wrestle with what it means to be human?
There were themed parallel presentations by theologians, philosophers, scientists, and practitioners, as well as keynote talks and panel sessions for a lay audience. There were also plenty of opportunities to connect with others interested in the science–faith conversation.
If you’re a student:
- You had the chance to win a grant for a science–faith project! See our Call for Proposals for more details.
- You also had the opportunity for extra assistance from scholarships and grants, on top of the already discounted student tickets, if required to be able to attend the conference.
To find out more details of the conference, visit