
At ISCAST, we aim to engage Australians in constructive conversation between Christian faith and the sciences.

An essential part of this mission is offering accessible, easy-to-read articles for the everyday Christian.

To do this, ISCAST needs more writers!

Could you offer an accessible article that deals with science, technology, and Christian faith? If so, please get in touch!

ISCAST articles will usually be published on our own site, and will often appear in other Christian or secular media (e.g., The Melbourne Anglican or the ABC).

Who are we looking for?

We want to hear from scientists, engineers, theologians, pastors, educators, students, deep-thinkers, or anyone with an interest in exploring science and Christianity. Sound like you? Let’s connect!

What to write about

  • Everyday challenges at the intersection of the sciences/technology and Christianity (e.g., health, ageing, use and abuse of technology)
  • Cultural shifts the sciences and technology are creating
  • Ethical issues created by developments in science and technology
  • Reflections/devotionals about Christianity and the sciences
  • Reviews of books or films at the science–faith intersection
  • Any other creative ideas you might have

Can I reuse pieces I’ve already published?

Yes. We will gladly consider publishing it, as long as you have the rights to republish it.

For more specific details, check out our Style Guide for ISCAST Writers.


Great! Get in contact with our Publications Director David Hooker (davidhooker@iscast.org).