Style Guide for ISCAST Writers - ISCAST

Style Guide for ISCAST Writers

Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

Style Guide for ISCAST Writers

Thank you for considering submitting your writing to ISCAST for publication!

Here are 13 tips to help your work stand out and make it more reader-friendly:

  1. Keep your reader in mind and write for the everyday person. Imagine a friend reading your article. Use language that is easy for them to understand. Even though you may be an expert, remember (unless you are writing for the ISCAST journal) you are writing for non-experts.
  2. Break up your article into short paragraphs and use short sentences. This will make it easier for your reader to follow along and avoid getting lost in long paragraphs. Avoid run-on sentences!
  3. Use active voice to make your article more engaging. Active voice will make your writing more dynamic and interesting.
  4. Use the inverted pyramid technique. Start with the most important point and explain it later as you expand the scope and detail of the article. This will help your reader follow your line of thought and stay engaged. Learn more about this technique here.
  5. Consider adding a story to your article to help your reader connect with your ideas. Stories are a great way to make ideas memorable.
  6. Use headings. Clear and succinct headings help to break up the text and keep your reader engaged.
  7. Keep your article brief and to-the-point. Around 600–1500 words is suitable for ISCAST. This will help you stay focused and make your writing more engaging.
  8. Cite your sources and provide links. This not only gives credit where it is due, but also validates your own arguments.
  9. Use a catchy, short title to capture your reader’s attention; however, we may decide to change your proposed title. Consider using a question or intriguing statement to draw a reader in.
  10. Suggest high-quality images to go with your article. They help convey ideas, and they break up the text. Make sure to cite your sources! Our favourite websites for finding free stock images are Unsplash, Pexels, and Burst.
  11. End with a call-to-action that invites the reader to apply what they have read, learn more, or to contact you or ISCAST for further information.
  12. Strive for charity. Although writers may be provocative, avoid using harsh or divisive language. Aim to encourage your reader.
  13. Use the ISCAST styles. At ISCAST, we generally follow the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition) and the Society of Biblical Literature style (SBL). But don’t worry if you’re not an expert, ISCAST will edit your work to ensure consistency with our content.

We cannot guarantee that your work will be published, but following this guide will help your work stand out.

Ready to send us your idea for consideration? Please get in touch with our Publications Director, David Hooker, at If you want to attach a draft/article, please provide it in a Microsoft Word file format (.docx).