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Rev. Dr Andrew Shead, gave a lecture at New College Village in the University of New South Wales, on “In what ways is the Bible the Word of God?”, on Mon 11th March. at 7.30 pm.
Brief Biosketch: Andrew Shead is the Head of the Old Testament Department at Moore Theological College, Sydney, where he lectures in Hebrew and Old Testament, and writes on the book of Jeremiah, the Septuagint (Greek OT) and Hebrew poetry. He has degrees in theology (BTh and MTh from the Australian College of Theology and PhD from the University of Cambridge) and science (BSc (Med) Hons1 from the University of Sydney) and has tutored on the history and philosophy of medicine. Andrew is ordained in the Sydney Anglican Diocese. He is married to Jean and they have three children. He also loves playing the piano, bushwalking with his family, and talking around the dinner table.
Lecture Abstract: What does it mean to call the Bible ‘the Word of God’? It is offensive to many Australians that an ancient product of fallible human writers should have any authority over them, let alone bring a message from their Creator. And could it be that we Christians, in our enthusiasm for the God we have met in its pages, make too much of the label ‘Word of God’, expecting a level of perfection from Scripture that it cannot give us, and so deepen secular hostility towards it? Fortunately the Bible itself has a lot to say about ‘the word of God’, and Andrew Shead will help us to appreciate some of this material, and renew our confidence in the unique and perfect treasure we have in the words of the Bible.
CASE – Centre for Apologetic Scholarship and Education (http://case.edu.au/)