Sir John Houghton, climate champion and ISCAST friend, succumbs to COVID-19 - ISCAST

Sir John Houghton, climate champion and ISCAST friend, succumbs to COVID-19

It is with some sadness that we learned of Sir John Houghton’s death brought on by COVID-19.

John was world renowned as a leader and co-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the IPCC. John was an ISCAST speaker in 1996 long before most of the world was thinking about climate change.

The official ISCAST History includes the following description of his time visiting Australia:

Sir John Houghton’s visit occurred during March, 1996. Sir John presented a joint ISCAST-ISS39 lecture entitled “The Search for God: Can Science Help?” at St John’s Camberwell in Melbourne on March 20, 1996, attended by around 100. At Monash University, he presented a lecture to the Science Faculty on global warming. He also visited at the Bureau of Meteorology. Other lectures were presented in Adelaide, Brisbane and Canberra and Sydney. On March 25, Houghton presented a lecture to the University of Queensland entitled “Global Warming: The Science, The Impact, the Politics”. The title of his book The Search for God: Can Science Help? was the same title of his presentation to St Mark’s Theological Centre in Canberra on March 29.

We extend our condolences to John’s family and friends. Well done, good and faithful servant.

” …he was doing work in service of the God he loved, and in service of the world he loved.”

See here for an obituary in Christian Today.