Audio mp3 file and pdf of PPT slides of the lecture are available for download now
Lecture PDF file of PPT Slides, 2 per page: download pdf [ 3.0 MB ]
Lecture: download mp3 [ 16.3 MB ]
Byron Smith gave an ISCAST-CASE* lecture at New College at the University of New South Wales, on “Climate change and what we should do about it: a Christian perspective” at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 8th April 2014.
The pdf slides are from the PowerPoint, provided by him, and are intended to be used in conjunction with the mp3 audio recording of his lecture.
Byron Smith has a BA (Hons: English, Philosophy, Univ. Sydney), a BD (Hons I, Moore Theological College, Sydney). In addition, he has already completed 4 years of a PhD at the University of Edinburgh, with leave to return to Sydney, where he is now living, to finalize the completion of his PhD thesis and to submit it from Sydney. His PhD is in the area of Ethics and the environment and he has been researching the use and abuse of ecological fears in Christian ethics. Byron is married with two children.
He has been a Secondary School Teacher (English, Christian Studies) at St Andrews Cathedral School, Sydney in 2002, a Catechist at St Barnabas’ Anglican Church, 2003-6, Sydney, Ministry Assistant, All Souls Anglican Church, Leichhardt, 2007–8. He is a Fellow of the Centre for Public Christianity (CPX) in Sydney. He is soon to commence a part-time role on the pastoral leadership team at St George’s Anglican Church, at Paddington. For much the rest of his time these days he spends talking to Christians about climate and ecology and the ways that this context shapes the possibilities for discipleship and mission. See also: http://theconversation.com/profiles/byron-smith-2236/profile_bio
Lecture abstract:
How should we respond to climate change? After a brief overview of mainstream climate science, this lecture will consider common emotional responses to our predicament and a variety of possibilities for responsible action from a Christian perspective.
* CASE – Centre for Apologetic Scholarship and Education (http://case.edu.au/)