ISCAST-CASE (Sydney) Lecture 2
Audio mp3 files of Dr Andrew Brown’s lecture and the Q & A session following it, and a pdf copy of their PowerPoint slides at either 2 slides per page (2pp) or 6 slides per page (6pp) are available for downloading now. (N.B., to save mp3 files to your computer, use right-click and choose ‘Save link as…’).
Lecture: Download mp3 [11.4 MB]
Q & A session: Download mp3 [3.9 MB]
PDF of lecture Slides (2 slides per page): Download pdf [2.2MB]
PDF of lecture Slides (6 slides per page): Download pdf [0.53 MB]
Dr Andrew Brown gave an ISCAST-CASE* lecture at New College, in the University of New South Wales, on “Athens and Jerusalem: Science-and-Religion Strategies among Interpreters of Genesis 1 through the Centuries” at 7.30 pm on Thursday 4th June.

Abstract: A survey of high-profile Christian interpretations of the creation week in Genesis 1:1-2:3 reveals a range of implicit stances on the relationship of the biblical portrayal of creation to data derived from the natural world and incorporated into explanatory schemes of the origin and ordinary functioning of the cosmos. These stances may be described, with some nuancing, in terms of such frequently-espoused science-and-religion orientations as those described in terms of ‘conflict’, or ‘complementarity’, or ‘concord’. Where a conflict stance is openly avowed, we may go further to identify which source is favoured over the other, the biblical source or the natural. The end result of such a survey, competently done, is an enhanced impression of the church’s legacy to the present concerning the reconciliation of the Bible and science (or more broadly, ‘natural philosophy’).