The Relationship between Orthodox Christian Theology and Psychoanalysis

What is the connection between Orthodox Christian theology & psychoanalysis?

In Antonios Kaldas’ new review essay of Soul and Psyche as a Surprise, he shares insights on mental health within the Greek context, as well as applications f0r the church.

Read the full review essay in Christian Perspectives on Science and Technology (CPOSAT).


At a time when mental health is generally deteriorating, editors Eudoxia Delli and Vasileios Thermos have opportunely produced a volume that closely examines the intersection of Orthodox Christian theology and contemporary psychoanalysis. This volume provides access for English-speaking readers to a vibrant conversation on this topic, as it currently occurs in the Greek context. This review essay considers the insights this volume provides, and the application of these insights to the life of the church. The volume is a valuable contribution that argues persuasively from a variety of perspectives that the church and psychoanalysis can and ought to enjoy a fruitful and beneficial partnership. The art of looking within is as important today as ever, but more so in our age of widespread mental health issues.