Supporting the Vision - ISCAST

Supporting the Vision

Thank you for considering supporting the strategic mission of ISCAST. You might make a one-off general donation, or, even better, you might help our long-term planning by contacting us to make a commitment to give over a number of years.

God’s provision through the generous gifts of supporters has enabled ISCAST to fund our various activities and in recent years, to fund the salary (0.6 full-time equivalent) of Chris Mulherin (right), our first Executive Director. More recently we have also appointed a part-time Program Director.

This year, ISCAST activities include:

  • speaking at numerous schools, camps, training days, churches, and other events
  • organising visiting and guest lecturers
  • planning for the next COSAC (Conference on Science and Christianity) in July 2020
  • publishing the first two books in the ISCAST Nexus series on science and faith
  • preparing other publications including a History of ISCAST
  • responding to enquiries from the media for comment and interviews
  • building the ISCAST network around Australia
  • reviewing and producing ISCAST communications—our web presence, our social media activity, our online journal and the quarterly ISCAST Digest
  • preparing a new constituion and working towards tax-deductible status
  • upgrading our database and financial systems

How to donate to ISCAST

Donations to support ISCAST’s work, can be made via direct bank transfer, cheque, or credit card. (ISCAST incurs a fee for credit card payments.)

  • To make a donation by bank transfer, you can deposit into our Westpac account: BSB: 032 187 and account: 510786. But please do let us know of your donation details by writing to us at
  • To donate by credit card, please do so here.
  • To donate by cheque, please make your cheque out to ISCAST Ltd and send it to us at PO Box 40, Forest Hill, VIC 3131.
  • To make arrangements for a recurring donation, please write to us at

Thank you for supporting the important mission of ISCAST!