Understanding how a good God can create a world with evil

“How could an all-good, all-powerful, all-knowing God create such a world as this?”

In his latest book review, Charles Sherlock unpacks the paradox that Stephen Ames’ book describes as “A Strange Goodness”.

And what of the title? Ames explains: “This is the strange goodness of God who has created a world worth dying for. Is it too strange to be called good, or too good to be true? What if it is true?” (p. 154)

Sherlock’s review provides an overview of the structure and themes of the book, commenting on the level of engagement that readers can expect to feel. He concisely encapsulates how readers can choose to selectively read simply the conclusive points of the book, as well as the trade-off readers make if they opt for this summary.

See whether you are someone Sherlock feels would benefit from the book by reading the review here.