Seak-King Huang - ISCAST

Seak-King Huang

Seak-King Huang

    Seak-King is a founding partner of Milner + Huang, and joined the board in 2020. She describes herself this way:

    I am an alumni of the University of Melbourne (B.A/LL.B (Hons)). So, I am no scientist. I have always been fascinated by the relevance of both the sciences and humanities to each other. And as a follower of Christ, I think often about what God who has created all (including our own abilities to understand his creation and to create) has to say about how we live in a time in which the gulf between the sciences and humanities seems to be ever broadening.

    In my professional life, I am a founding partner of Milner + Huang. Prior to this, I was a Partner of Prolegis, a law firm uniquely serving charities, not-for-profit, and philanthropists. I was also the General Counsel & Company Secretary of World Vision Australia for almost 12 years, and before that, I was a partner in one of Australia’s largest commercial law firms where I advised on banking and project finance transactions.

    Currently I also serve on the boards of the Charity Lawyers Association of Australia and New Zealand (CLAANZ) and Anglican Overseas Aid (AOA).

    I attend St Jude’s Anglican Church. Carlton with my husband and daughter. I am also a warden of St Jude’s and beyond it, I am a member of the Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne and of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia.