Sarah Wilson - ISCAST

Sarah Wilson

Dr Sarah Wilson

Program Director

Dr Sarah Wilson studied science with a master’s degree in seaweed phylogenetics and a PhD in cell biology. While a researcher, she had many opportunities to communicate her scientific studies to the public and undertook a short fellowship at the ABC in Sydney where she learnt ways to publicise complicated scientific processes to a lay audience. Sarah says,

I am very excited to be working for ISCAST as Program Director after almost 30 years as a student and scientist at the University of Melbourne. During my career I was often challenged by my colleagues as to how I could reconcile my Christian faith with science. It surprised me how many people still insist there is a conflict. I enjoy helping ISCAST dispel this myth by promoting a congenial relationship between science and Christianity as we have seen throughout most of history. I feel very blessed to have this role which combines my love of God with my interest in all of his creation.

For 15 years Sarah worked as an electron microscopist for a large research group focussed on improving grain quality for human health purposes. She continues this work part-time at La Trobe University. She also lectured in plant and cell biology undergraduate courses and coordinated practical classes. She has published many peer-reviewed scientific papers and has participated at overseas conferences as an invited speaker. She has worked in laboratories in both South Korea and the USA funded by academic scholarships.

Sarah is married to Geoff, a Principal Scientist for the Victorian Government, and they have three children.