Sarah Sweet - ISCAST

Sarah Sweet

Dr Sarah Sweet

Senior Lecturer in Astrophysics & ARC DECRA fellow at the University of Queensland


Dr Sarah Sweet is a Lecturer in Astrophysics & ARC DECRA fellow at the University of Queensland. She received her PhD from the University of Queensland in 2014. Sarah then worked at the Australian National University and at Swinburne University of Technology, before returning to UQ as a Lecturer in 2020.

Sarah’s research interests are in the formation and evolution of galaxies, investigating how the fundamental properties of galaxies affect their transition from the diverse, irregular shapes in the distant, long-ago Universe, to the grand-design spirals and puffy elliptical galaxies in the nearby, present-day Universe. She is also interested in the connection between science and business, particularly from the perspective of enabling fundamental research. Sarah enjoys spending time with her husband and their 4 children.


BBus (Man), BSc (Maths), BSc (Hons I, Physics), GCResComm, PhD (Astrophysics).

Science/Faith Interests

Sarah is interested in the partnership between science and faith, which provide different perspectives of God’s hand at work in the world around us. She enjoys speaking with church and school groups about her scientific perspective enhancing a sense of awe and wonder in God and in his creation, which he made to display his glory and his thoughtfulness and care for us.

Professional Associations

Member of the Astronomical Society of Australia