John Pilbrow - ISCAST

John Pilbrow

Em. Prof. John Pilbrow


BSc (Hons) (NZ) MSc (NZ) DPhil (Oxon) DSc (Monash) FAIP FInstP


Professional Career: Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader, Professor of Physics
(Personal Chair), Monash Univ. 1965-2000; Head, Dept.of Physics 1991-99. Emeritus Prof. 2001.
Scientific: Author, joint-author ~ 200 papers on EPR spectroscopy in solids and chemical and biological complexes. Author, Transition Ion Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, OUP, 1990, 711pp.

Science/Faith interests

I see Science and Christian Faith as complementary ways of looking at the world. Member, Editorial Board, Science & Christian Belief, UK, (2002-).

Topics for talks to church, school and campus groups:

Faith in an age of science and technology, scientific perspectives on divine action, modern physics and our view of the world.

Professional Associations

  • ISCAST, Fellow (1992), President (2006-Sept 2009);
  • Aust. Inst. Physics, Fellow 1970, Hon Sec. (1975-6), President (1999-2000);
  • Inst. Physics (UK), Fellow 1999;
  • Intl EPR (ESR)1 Society, Sec. (1997- 9), President (1999- 2002); Fellow 2006;
  • Natl. Magnetic Resonance Soc. India, Hon. Member, 2000;
  • Bruker Prize EPR Spectroscopy & Bruker Lect., UK, 1998;
  • Sen. Fulbright Scholar. USA (1971);
  • Vis. Prof. Med. College of Wisconsin (1979).