Ross Macmillan - ISCAST

Ross Macmillan

Mr Ross Macmillan


  • Fellowship Diploma (Mechanical Engineering); RMTC
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Agricultural); Melb.
  • Master of Engineering (Agricultural); Cant.
  • Assoc. Diploma of Theology; Ridley College


I worked for 35 years as Lecturer / Senior Lecturer at Lincoln College, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, at the University of Melbourne and for short periods in Universities in eastern Indonesia. These involved teaching and research with both local and overseas students in the performance of agricultural machines and the associated properties of agricultural materials. During this time I developed a more general interest in agriculture and agricultural engineering education.

Retirement has provided the opportunity for the publications of curricula materials (including two monographs) particularly for students in developing countries. I also have an active involvement in my part of the family farm on the northern outskirts of Melbourne and, as this allows, building engineering models in my workshop.

A recent and ongoing activity is a consultancy with the University of Genoa, Italy on a project developing equipment for the digging up of anti-personnel land mines.

Science/faith interests

As an expression of the mandate to ‘feed the hungry … ‘ etc, my interests are mainly in assisting in community development by:

  • Writing and interpreting modern agriculture, rural development and associated technologies in a technical and / or biblical context.
  • Seeking to provide more nuanced views of the use and care of the rural environment than many of the present, bland generalised statements.


Professional associations

Senior Fellow, Agricultural Engineering, University of Melbourne

Member, Institution of Engineers, Australia

Fellow, ISCAST: Christians in Science and Technology

Member, Society for Engineering in Agriculture, Land-care Australia and Agricultural Christian Fellowship

Topics I can present on

I am available to speak on and interpret these interests in a technical and Christian context particularly to the non-scientific and rural communities.

Selected publications

‘Seed time and harvest…a reflection’

‘The Earth and its Environment’ in Notes on Science and Christian Belief. Ed. Allan J Day, 2009

Stewardship of the rural environment: care, use, enjoy – and rest! 2009

Seeking sustainability.  Christian Perspectives on Science and Technology ISCAST Online Journal 2014 Vol. 10

Seeking sustainability – an example from Australian agriculture. Christian Perspectives on Science and Technology ISCAST Online Journal 2015 Vol. 11 (in press)