D. Gareth Jones - ISCAST

D. Gareth Jones

Em. Prof. D. Gareth Jones


CNZM, BSc (Hons), MBBS (Lond), DSc (West Aust), MD (Otago), FRSB, FAS


Bioethical and neuroscientific assessments of the significance of the human body, from earliest development, through to old age, with especial relevance to the embryo, brain and human tissue.

Science/Faith Interests

Interests in the science faith area follow directly on from my areas of expertise, hence, reproductive technologies, neuroethics, enhancement projects, life span extension. The science-faith dialogue stems from the highly controversial areas in which I move, due to varying interpretations of the biblical evidence and also where this fits alongside scientific data and interpretations. There is constant interplay between the two, but this is not readily accepted by many within the Christian community.

  • The relevance of the brain for Christian thinking
  • The status of the embryo where there is moral conflict
  • The moral status of the blastocyst in the laboratory
  • Neuroethics
  • The tension between therapy and enhancement
  • Future research imperatives in biomedicine
  • The reproductive technologies and theological perspectives