Edwin El-Mahassni - ISCAST

Edwin El-Mahassni

Dr Edwin El-Mahassni


Grad. Dip. OR, M.Sc.(Hons), MA (Th. St.), PhD (Mathematics), PhD (Theology).


Dr. El-Mahassni is a research scientist with the Defence Science and Technology Group.

He has an interest in understanding the “language with which God wrote the Universe” – mathematics. In particular, in the topic of reasoning under uncertainty. This is the field which seeks to study how different pieces of information can be fused together in a meaningful way in order to understand the bigger picture. In a way, this is how I approach my faith: continually seeking to learn more about God by learning about the different ways by which he leaves his fingerprints in everyday life.

Science/Faith Interests

I also have an interest in the interface between philosophy of science and theology. I’m keen in finding out how scientific progress and ways of doing science can be used as aides in understanding how theology, doctrine and Christian teaching develop.

Selected Publications

  • Küng on Kuhn: Insights from Küng’s Paradigms in Theology for the Development of Doctrine. Omega Indian Journal of Science and Religion, 14(1), 9-29, 2015.
  • Contextual Approaches in the Dialogue between Theology and Science and Their Applications for Understanding the Development of Doctrine. Christian Perspectives on Science and Technology, March 2016, online.
  • Larry Laudan’s Research Traditions with Applications to Understanding the Development of Christian Doctrine. Philosophy and Theology, Marquette University Journal, 28(2), 331-49, 2016.
  • Kuhn’s Structural Revolutions and the Development of Christian Doctrine: A Systematic Discussion. The Heythrop Journal, 58(3), January 2017, online.

Topics I Can Present On

  • Philosophy of science
  • Church history
  • Doctrine
  • Mathematics