Brittany Spencer

Brittany Spencer

Media & Communications Specialist

Brittany has a background in both science and design. She Is particularly excited that her role at ISCAST combines both disciplines, as well as merging them with the faith she is deeply passionate about.

She grew up in a devout Christian household, being personally committed to faith and evangelism ever since her early school days. Brittany remembers starting debates in her school over trying to prove that God is real. In her penultimate year, she started a lunchtime group (as part of a Certificate III in Ministry and Theology) to engage non-believing students in philosophical discussions regarding Christianity, which included conversations on science and faith.

In the last year of her schooling at Presbyterian Ladies’ College, Brittany was Christian Union captain and received both an internal subject award, as well as Victorian Premiers’ Award, for VCE Studio Arts (graphic design).

Following a gap year at the Dream Centre Leadership School (Los Angeles), Brittany has completed a Bachelor of Science (Physiology) at Monash University and worked at Mustard Schools as the Digital Communications and Creative Coordinator. She is passionate about helping non-profits to communicate the impact they are contributing to society, through strategy, marketing/fundraising language, and graphic design.