Monday 3rd Jun 2019 @ 7:00 pm
Level 1, Campari House, 23 Hardware Lane, Melbourne

The City Bible Forum’s Bigger Questions series is reaching for the stars—and ISCAST is going along!
The June 2019 session tackles the Bigger Question of Why do we explore space? Reflecting on 50 years since the moon landing and features ISCAST fellow and board member Dr Jonathan Clarke (with others).
The Bigger Questions website has this to say about the event:
For thousands of years, humanity has been shaped by the vast cosmos above. Neil Armstrong’s “Giant leap for mankind” realised the imagination of ancient mariners, mathematicians, priests and even farmers. Why is space the stuff dreams are made of? What have we learned about ourselves and our place in the universe since 1969? Where to next?
Join our guests as we take you on a journey of imagination, reality, and 300 million kilometres.
Ask some bigger questions at this after-work event that is out of this world!
Dr Jonathan Clarke is a geologist and president of The Mars Society, Australia and is also a fellow and director of ISCAST—Christians in Science and Technology.
Dr Dianne McGrath’s background is environmental engineering, currently researching food waste and sustainability, and one of the “Mars 100” international candidates for the MarsOne human settlement program.
Dr James Murray is president of the Mount Burnett Observatory, former astrophysicist, and senior program manager at Astronomy Australia Ltd.
When: 7pm-8:15pm Monday 3rd June
Where: Level 1, Campari House, 23 Hardware Lane, Melbourne
Cost: $25 (drinks available at bar prices)
Join us afterwards on the rooftop bar for a glimpse of Saturn and Jupiter (weather and light permitting).
TO REGISTER visit the Bigger Questions website and click on the big red button!