Religious influences on behavioural and brain response to mortality threats

Hoogenraad LectureTheatre, LIMS 1 Building, Science Drive, Bundoora Campus, La Trobe University
Topic: Religious influences on behavioural and brain response to mortality threats
Speaker: Professor Shihui Han
Date: Wednesday 31 May, 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm
Venue: Hoogenraad LectureTheatre, LIMS 1 Building, Science Drive, Bundoora Campus, La Trobe University
RSVP: appreciated but not essential by 30 May
Religious believers exhibit different religious practices and daily life activities, highlighting the influences of religious beliefs on human behaviour. However, whether believers from the world’s major religions have a fundamental similarity of behavioural tendencies that distinguishes them from nonbelievers remains unclear.
Professor Shihui Han will present recent research that shows behavioural evidence that religious beliefs of the world’s major religions reduce behavioural tendencies to avoid mortality threats in Christians, Muslims and Hindus.
Brain imaging findings reveal neuroscience evidence that religious beliefs result in decreased brain activity in response to oneself under mortality threats. Professor Shihui will discuss how these findings help us to understand the psychological and social function of religion and religious influences on social behaviour.
Please note: this event is not organised by ISCAST