Church of All Nations, 180 Palmerston St Carlton
What is the science story around climate change? What are the obstacles to making the changes we need to protect against harmful climate change? And, more specifically, what are the theological issues at play when we talk about the environment? Is this primarily a technical issue to be fixed by different and better technology? Or is it a spiritual challenge to our world?
A conversation over a meal with:
David Karoly, Professor of Atmospheric Science in the School of Earth Science and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, The University of Melbourne, and
Ian Barns, lay theologian, sustainability academic and member of St Jude’s Carlton
7pm October 20 2017
Church of All Nations, 180 Palmerston St Carlton
Tickets: $20 (waged) / $10 (unwaged) can be purchased at the venue or at
Contact: Matthew 0402 739 407
For more information, please download the brochure.