Catherine Booth College
100 Maidstone St, Ringwood Vic
Date: Wednesday 29 November at 7.30 pm
Topic: Making Sense of Me! Reflections of an addiction physician
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Alan Gijsbers
Venue: Catherine Booth College, 100 Maidstone St, Ringwood Vic
Cost: $15 full, $10 ISCAST Members & Concession
Register: Please register using this Trybooking link:
Talk Abstract: Who am I? Am I just an illusion or perhaps some sort of social construct, defined by who I relate to and what I do? Perhaps I am some sort of a soul locked inside a body that rarely behaves in the way I want it to and often drags me down dangerous paths I do not want to take.
In Alan’s clinical practice as an addiction physician, patients frequently seem to have lost their identity. They used to see themselves in terms of their relationships and their work and when both failed they became lost. What is this self they are trying to find? What are they looking for? Where will they find themselves? What has science and theology to say about this most fundamental question?
Assoc. Prof. Alan Gijsbers, Medical Director of the Addiction Medicine Service at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, will reflect on his experience in working with drug and alcohol addicts. There is no magic bullet here but, Alan argues, through the grace of God, we can see ourselves in more constructive and healing ways to help us work through life and the problems we have with ourselves.