Ridley College
170 The Avenue
One of the biggest challenges we face as Christian scientists is to apply our Christian faith to our sciences. We believe we have a unique perspective to the difficult problems that society faces, but we struggle when it comes to the rubber hitting the secular road.
Rev’d Dr Brian Rosner, Principal of Ridley College, will explore with A/Prof. Alan Gijsbers and Prof. David Clarke how the insights of Brian’s book ‘Known by God’ can be applied to the clinical situations that Alan and David face each day in their work in drug and alcohol dependency, and depression, distress, and demoralisation in two of the busiest hospitals in Melbourne – or do Christian insights only apply in Christian communities?
Join us at 5:30pm at Ridley College for afternoon tea and conversation.
There is no cost for this event, however catering is ca. $7 per head. Donations to defray the cost will be appreciated. A donation box will be at the venue.
ISCAST is thankful to Ridley College for their ongoing support.