ISCAST Perth: Deflating the Conflict Thesis

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In this ISCAST Perth event, hear from Christiaan van der Merwe as he explores a philosophical dissection of this popular modern myth, to once again reconcile faith, reason and science.


Thursday 6th Jun 2024 @ 7:00 pm – 
Thursday 6th Jun 2024 @ 9:30 pm


St George's College, Crawley (near UWA), in the Ruth Rodgers (ground-floor) room (see Map 1 attached)

About the speaker

Christiaan van der Merwe grew up on a small farm in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, before moving to Perth with his family in 2005. Inheriting an insatiably curious mind from his father (High School Maths & Science teacher), naturally he has always been one to ask questions and contemplate their answers. This fondness for problem solving led him to pursue tertiary studies in Mechanical Engineering at Curtin University, followed by a sidestep into Geomatics and Geodesy in the quest for something more science-like. Later, while pursuing a Master’s degree in Maths & Physics Education at the University of Notre Dame, he had his first taste of Philosophy & Theology, and has been captivated by it ever since. More recently, in the last two years, he has been supporting and inspiring undergraduate university students in his role as Dean of Studies at St George’s College.

Getting there

St George’s College, Crawley (near UWA), in the Ruth Rodgers (ground-floor) room (see Map 1 below).


Various options (see Map 2 below).


For any questions and/or RSVP (not essential), email David