AI x Christianity: Gospel Wisdom for an AI World - ISCAST

AI x Christianity: Gospel Wisdom for an AI World

This event has passed

Saturday 16th Mar 2024 @ 7:00 pm – 
Saturday 16th Mar 2024 @ 9:15 pm


Scots' Church Melbourne, 156 Collins St, Melbourne

Artificial intelligence is rapidly becoming an era-defining technology, and changing the world with it.

Every day there’s something new happening with AI development, and it’s becoming more prevalent with every passing minute.

In fact, you may already be one of the millions of people who use AI every day for work, learning, creation, and more.

But as AI becomes more prominent in our lives, so do the questions it brings with it:

Is AI unbiased?

Is it alright for me to use it for work?

What happens if AI becomes sentient?

And how can I approach these things from a biblical perspective?

AI x Christianity aims to respond to these questions and more, diving headfirst into the heart of the AI and ethics discussion.

Across two hours, three speakers and a discussion panel, this ambitious event will cover the biggest questions being asked about AI today and address them from a Christian perspective.

So, join us for this exclusively in-person event as we discuss:

  • The future of AI and its disruptive potential
  • The good and bad of AI, and what it means for humans
  • How the Bible can shape our view of an AI world
  • How to approach AI with godly wisdom

Register now for an early-bird discount! Offer ends 2 March.


  • General: $30 (Early-bird discount: $25)
  • Student/Concession: $15 (Early-bird discount: $10)


7:00 p.m.Talks from Neil Dodgson, Chris Mulherin, and Arthur Keefer (More details below!)
8:25 p.m.Supper break, light refreshments provided
8:45 p.m.Panel Discussion + Q&A with speakers and guest panelist/FaithTech Representative Adrian Tam
9:15 p.m.Finish

Talks & Speakers

Living in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: What is AI and Where is it Taking Us?

Prof. Neil Dodgson is a Professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Dean of Graduate Research at Victoria University of Wellington. Prior to this, he spent 27 years at the University of Cambridge working across mathematics, engineering, and computing, all of which are crucial in the rise of AI. Neil has been active in the church throughout this time and has spent much time thinking about the ethical dimensions of technology and how it interacts with his Christian faith. Neil has a substantial record of academic publishing. Over the past 5 years, he has been invited to speak many times on AI, Christian faith, and what it means to be human.

AI, Transhumanism, and Techno-optimism: The Good, the Bad, and the Un-theological

Rev. Dr Chris Mulherin is an Anglican minister with a background in engineering, philosophy, and theology. He has published articles and book chapters in the media and in academic works. His book Science and Christianity: Understanding the Conflict Myth, designed for use in schools and churches, is available from ISCAST. When he is not working for ISCAST, he teaches philosophy at the University of Divinity.

Biblical Wisdom for an AI World

Rev. Dr Arthur Keefer is a pastor at Scots’ Church and Honorary Research Associate at Melbourne’s University of Divinity. After earning a PhD in Old Testament at the University of Cambridge, he taught Theology at Eton College from 2017–2023 while serving as a school chaplain. Arthur has published in various fields of biblical studies and developed ways of bringing biblical insights to bear on modern life. His latest book, Ecclesiastes and the Meaning of Life in the Ancient World, explores modern psychological conceptions of the meaning of life within Ecclesiastes and ancient Mediterranean cultures.


Adrian Tam

Adrian Tam is the Oceania regional manager of FaithTech, a global tech community for Christ. FaithTech exists to help people in the tech ecosystem find community and steward their skills to glorify God. Adrian also works part time with City to City Australia as the Assistant Director of Church Planting.