Collins St Baptist Church Melbourne
RSVP: Meg Nelson mnelson@divinity.edu.au
The conversation about euthanasia and end-of-life care is fraught with medical, moral, and, for Christians, theological complexity. (For example, what is the difference between killing and letting die?) Currently, the current Victorian Government discussions of the issue are paving the way for significant changes. This event run by the University of Divinity’s Centre for Religion and Social Policy features Peter Singer (world famous utilitarian philosopher) and Margaret Somerville (from Notre Dame and McGill Universities).
Date: Thursday 29 June
Time: 5.45 – 7.45pm
Venue: Collins St Baptist Church, Melbourne
Speakers: Prof. Peter Singer and Prof. Margaret Somerville
Topic: End of life choices, voluntary euthanasia & assisted suicide in Victoria: a conversation between world-renowned bioethicists
RSVP: Meg Nelson mnelson@divinity.edu.au
Please note: this event is not organised by ISCAST